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Il guestbook contiene 441 messaggi suddivisi in 23 pagine.

Nome: Natalia
Data: 09/02/2009
E mail: natolopez@hotmail.com
si prega cortesemente di voler trasmettere a questo Patronato ACLI Sede di Montevideo, il certificato di battesimo di Zicari Antonio, nato verso l

Nome: Natalia
Data: 09/02/2009
E mail: natolopez@hotmail.com
si prega cortesemente di voler trasmettere a questo Patronato ACLI Sede di Montevideo, il certificato di battesimo di Zicari Antonio, nato verso l

Nome: Livio
Data: 03/02/2009
E mail: fimax@micso.net
Cittą: Termoli 
Un saluto a tutti, sto facendo una raccolta di tutti i siti dei paesi molisani e quindi non poteva mancare quello di Acquaviva Collecroce. Prometto che ogni tanto far

Nome: michael mattiaccio
Data: 26/01/2009
E mail: mmattiac@twcny.rr.com
Cittą: syracuse ny 
hello to all in Aquaviva Collecroche, I was wondering if someone could help me with my question. On the home page I see a scrolling with messages from people wishing a Merry Christmas,one is signed by Antonio Mattiaccio. That was my grandfathers name,I know thats not him because he died in 1979. Can I get in touch with this other Antonio? thank you

Nome: Daniel Papiccio
Data: 20/01/2009
E mail: dpapiccio@msm.gov.ar
Cittą: Argentina 
Soy Daniel Nieto de MIchele Papiccio, que vino a Argentina MIchele era HIjo de Luigi Papiccio y Irene Di Paola, Abrazo a toda Acquaviva desde Argentina dejo mi MAil para contactos familiares Saludos

Nome: Papiccio Franco
Data: 27/12/2008
E mail: fra.papic@kruc.it
Cittą: Acquaviva CC 

Nome: Daniel Lemac
Data: 14/12/2008
E mail: lemacdaniel@gmail.com
Cittą: Gothenburg/Sebenico 
Neznam na koji jezik da pisem ali pokusati cu na Hrvatski Ja i jos par prijatelja smo planirali da idemo u molisse na par dana da vidimo nas molisk hrvate i di zivu...i tija bi znati jel ima kakvi mali hotel ili nesto slicno u blizinu kruca??

Nome: fede e sonia
Data: 11/12/2008
Cittą: kruc 
ciao..un saluto a tutti i nostri amici...ke giornata uggiosa....arriver

Nome: fabiana gliosca
Data: 05/12/2008
E mail: fabianagliosca@hotmail.com
Cittą: fabianagliosca@hotmail.com 
me llamo fabiana gliosca les escribo desde argentina y soy la nieta de carlos gliosca me gustaria saber si alguien me podria pasar las recetas de unas rosquitas que se hacen fritas y con miel, y de los tarales. desde ya muchas gracias.saludos fabiana

Nome: mister hyde
Data: 27/11/2008
Cittą: kruc 
mi fa piacere vedere che qualcuno concorda con quanto ho detto...pensavo di essere l'unica a non credere nella buona fede della gente che ci circonda... come e' bello e facile riempirsi la bocca di belle parole per il nostro "amato" paese....in quanti per

Nome: aa
Data: 22/11/2008
E mail: aa@aa.it
Cittą: aaa 
Comunico che sono stati pubblicati due nuovi libri croati dalla Editoriale Resetari che contengono tra gli altri alcuni componimenti di Daniela Quici e Gabriele Blascetta. I titoli dei libri sono: "Uz rub vremena" e "Ogrlica za jutro i samocu". - Aggiungo i seguenti dati: Uz rub Vremena ISBN 978-953-7470-06-7 100kn - Ogrlica za jutro i samocu ISBN 978-953-7358-10-5 100kn - Urednik Ivan de Villa, izabrali Stjepan Blazetin, Ivan Slisuric e Djuro Vidmarovic

Nome: Wesley Mirco
Data: 20/11/2008
E mail: wzgames@hotmail.com
Mio nonno era nato nel 1932 suo padre

Nome: kruc
Data: 18/11/2008
Cittą: kruc 
caro wesley, se ci puoi dire in che anno è nato tuo nonno Michele forse trovi dei parenti ad acquaviva sono nati 48 Mirco Michele

Nome: aaa
Data: 15/11/2008
E mail: aaa@aaa.it
Cittą: aaa 
Comunico che sono stati pubblicati due nuovi libri croati dalla Editoriale Resetari che contengono tra gli altri alcuni componimenti di Daniela Quici e Gabriele Blascetta. I titoli dei libri sono: "Uz rub vremena" e "Ogrlica za jutro i samocu"

Nome: Wesley Mirco
Data: 14/11/2008
E mail: wzgames@hotmail.com
Cittą: Sao Paulo 
Ciao! Il mio nome

Nome: XYZ
Data: 04/11/2008
Cittą: KRUC 
Ragazzi questa notte seguite le elezioni americane e sperate nella vittoria di OBAMA!!! Forse non tutti sarete d'accordo ma con MCCAIN non sar

Nome: mq
Data: 03/11/2008
E mail: a@a.it
Cittą: aa 
Hi John, I understand from what you say you got pissed off by something somebody said and you are blaming the consul for this. Can you please elaborate on that? Do you have any sources/links I can refer to so I can get an idea of what happened? Thanks. As for the consul stuff, I don't see any way out of it. It's only a matter of who much exposure and connections with the right people one has. Besides, the actual consul did get to grisp of how to get where he got far earlier than other people (if ever they tried to !). I did not see anybody in the latest years being so active (positively or negatively) in the other villages. Plus, most of them are self referring. I give you an example: 2 years ago the regional government opened a public contest for the villages to get money to renovate houses in older areas of villages to make them into B&B. Well, in Mundimitar a lot of people where advised to participate and in the end many of them were awarded the money. Do you wanna know what happened in the other 2 villages? Well, in the capital Kruc only 3 or 4 families came to know about it thanks to political connections and guess what, 2 of them related to each other and into politics, got a lot of money. The other villagers didn't even know about it or only too late to participate. In Filic it was even worse, nobody came to know about it at all, the mayor did not make any public information available so nobody could at least give it a try. In Mundimitar instead, as is publicly certified, almost all the villagers got the chance and this thanks to somebody who took care of that for them (don't ask me how, it is not so difficult !).

Nome: S
Data: 28/10/2008
E mail: lo
INCREDIBILE ma non siete di acquaviva voi parlate un po la vostra lingua cosi bella invece di quella inglese che noi non la conoschiamo mi dispiace ma qui e nostra kruc ciao a tutti E FORZA JUVE CIAO FRANCO DA HERSTAL BELGIO

Nome: john
Data: 27/10/2008
E mail: johnclissa@hotmail.com
Cittą: Perth 
In no way wahtsoever will I be associated with Esperanto translations of our language. You can look at it in any way you like, this is just about the most stupid, senseless, ridiculous, well funded, academic exercise we could ever possibly sink to. Someone has lost the plot. It is time we call an end to this travesty. If the Croatian government wants to have an Honorary Consul to represent our linguistic minority, then it should locate its office to Campobasso. If the Croatian government thinks it can ignore the general groundswel against the idea of appointing an Honorary Consul for life to represent our three villages, and totally disregard that there are other contenders who can very well fill in such a position on a rotation basis shared by the other two villages, then it better think again. It is a well known fact that all Consulates of any nations have their consular representatives under a mandate of approximately five years. This charade supported and funded by the Croatian government has already run its course. It is time to appeal to the Molise regional government to put an end to this farcical situation. I have said it before that the appointment of an honorary consul for life from one village to represent our ethno-linguistic community is an insult to the socio-political fabric of our linguistic minority. It is time to call an end to this charade where we are played as a 'political football'. There is so much research, so much to write about our existence in any language you like. Our real and most precious source are the thousands upon thousands of people/relatives who emigrated in the last one hundred years to different parts of the world and who after three generations have networked, formed kinship and friendship with so many people in so many countries in so many fields. By all means translate what makes you proud about your language and culture in all the languages which will connect you, politically, culturally and spiritualy. ESPERANTO is not even a glimmer of hope. A resignation or dismissal of our current Honorary Consul for the Republic of Croatia in the name of our linfuistic minority is in order. Please offer a translation...let's see where Esperanto would get you.

Nome: MQ
Data: 10/10/2008
E mail: m@a.it
Cittą: aa 
John, sorry to disappoint you but unfortunately you cannot count on me. I have had some experiences in the past which gave me a taste of how things go and, just like Boris Maruna said "Bilo je lak

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